Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling with IBM SPSS (Quantitative Methodology Series)

by Ronald H. Heck

Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling with IBM SPSS by Heck, Thomas and Tabata. Already in the market for couple years, but still makes it easy for those who need results for hierarchical datasets. This book doesn't provide deep theory. Instead, it provides menu-driven and simple programing instructions to produce results. The book is written for everyone in the research community that faces for the first time the need to control for data structures. The New IBM SPSS format has more than one way to model multilevel data and this book covers them all, at least in a basic way, and then illustrates alternative result presentation possibilities. It also compares SPSS outputs with other statistical packages to show differences and how to manually calculate moments that SPSS does not produce. I find this book highly useful especially for researchers for whom I provide statistical consulting, when they struggle to understand the problem of multilevel data-modeling and the way we control for multilevel effects. This book explains results without getting to deep into theory and emphasizes the correct interpretation of the estimates. The book covers the central topics of multilevel analysis such as: what is a multilevel structure of data; how to make the first analytical assessment of the multilevel weight; practical instructions for preparing multilevel data for modeling; the two-level regression model and models of higher levels of data; looking across individual change overtime; and cross-classification analysis. In each chapter the authors define the problem, the study questions, the restructuring of the data to fit the appropriate model, the modeling procedure and the interpretation of results.

Dr. Gabriel Liberman – Data-Graph Statistical Consulting

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  1. abc says:

    ~~Data-Graph Statistical Consulting