About Us
We offer statistical support and consulting for academic and professional researchers of all types and levels. Our services include basic and advanced analyses and complete write up of findings in Hebrew and English for professional and academic reports.

Gabriel Liberman, PhD provides statistical support for the last three decades. As a computer science graduate from the Technion, he started his support during his M.A. studies at Tel Aviv University, where he received his PhD in Psychology and Education. He applied this experience when he joined Market Watch and Teleseker (and their further transformations) as an analyst. Dr. Liberman developed a specialization in advanced analysis of variance and structural equation modeling techniques by implementing knowledge he acquired in Israel and abroad. Currently he provides services for studies in psychology, education, program evaluation, linguistics, and market research.

Amir Hefetz, PhD provides statistical support and develops independent academic research which follows his previous research at Cornell University, USA. He collaborates with scholars from the Israeli academy as well as international researchers, and shares experience in working at the research room of the Israeli Bureau of Statistics on internal migration using the full Census data. In his joint work with Dr. Liberman he develops statistical models for academic and practical purposes. Currently, he provides services for studies in population growth and development, psychology, education, linguistics, and clinical and biological research. He is also a member of the editorial board and is invited to review manuscripts in several fields.
Background and Professional Training
Dr. Liberman is a computer science graduate and an MA and PhD in psychology and education. He participated in several local and internationals workshops of advanced statistics at Tel Aviv University – SWARMS for advanced modeling (2008), Advanced Structural Equation Using Mplus (2016), Applied Bayesian Statistics (2016), Intensive Longitudinal Modeling (2018), and Small Sample Size statistics at Utrecht, Netherland (2019).
Dr. Hefetz is a graduate in economics, Hebrew University, and holds a degree from Cornell University, Technion, Haifa, and a PhD from the University of Haifa. He participated in several local and internationals workshops of advanced statistics such as Data Mining (2001) at Cornell University; SWARMS for advanced modeling (2008) at Tel Aviv University, Advanced Structural Equation Using Mplus (2016), Applied Bayesian Statistics (2016), Intensive Longitudinal Modeling (2018), and Small Sample Size statistics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands (2019).
Among their joint projects are development of index of entrepreneurship in the education system for “Mifras”; index of childcare quality for the Ministry of Labor and Welfare; Growth and Change in response to wartime events; Juvenile crime rates during COVID-19; Visits to general and pediatric emergency departments during COVID-19; Assessment of media promotion effect on gamers, and others.
Dr. Liberman and Dr. Hefetz were partners to developing and operating an advanced statistical tool workshop in Barcelona, Spain (2019), were they presented and taught advanced methods together with other international presenters. Participants were students from different countries in Europe. This workshop was a follow-up to a special issue they edited (2017) together with Professor Liliana Tolchinski and Dr. Nayme Salas from Barcelona University.